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Welcome to the 27th edition of Wednesday Wisdoms by EdGenie!

Every Wednesday I send out actionable tips, tricks and real-world application insights from my 13-year experience coaching students to achieve As and A* in their Economics and Business A Levels.

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​Breaking Boundaries: Your Journey from Comfort to Growth in A-Level Economics

Hi Genies,

Stepping out of your comfort zone isn't just about embracing discomfort; it's about pioneering your journey into the growth zone, where true learning and achievement reside. This is where you get your A/A*.

Let's apply this to your A level Economics
🛋️ Comfort Zone:

  • Sticking to familiar topics: You're acing the basics like supply and demand but steering clear of the intriguing complexities of, say, oligopoly market structures.
  • Relying on memorization: Definitions roll off your tongue, but can you debate the real-world implications of, for instance, negative market failures?
  • Avoiding discussions: Classroom discussions on contentious topics like the impacts of globalisation seem daunting, so you stay in the shadows.
  • Doing the minimum: You're tackling the homework and past papers you know you can handle, but what about the challenging ones that make you think?
  • Staying within comfort topics: You're tackling the homework and past papers you know you can handle, but what about the challenging ones that make you think?

🌪️ Fear Zone:

  • Feeling overwhelmed: The depth of your syllabus, from market failure theories to intricacies of fixed exchange rates, feels like a mountain too steep.
  • Worrying about exams: The thought of dissecting complex government interventions in an exam setting is unnerving.
  • Doubting abilities: Can you really analyse and critique the Marshall Lerner condition in an exam setting?
  • Hesitating to ask for help: You're hesitant to seek help on perplexing topics like the balance of payments, fearing it might expose your doubts.
  • Procrastinating: Those challenging chapters on, say, the theory of the firm are gathering dust on your study desk.

🚀 Learning Zone:

  • Tackling complex theories: Dive into the labour markets with gusto, exploring each aspect.
  • Practicing with past papers: They're not just exams; they're your field for practising chains of reasoning/evaluation, enhancing your application skills, and understanding what examiners seek.
  • Understanding real-world issues: Current events are more than news; they're case studies helping you understand, for example, how Germany's economy is hugely problematic.
  • Connecting different topics: Price elasticity isn't just a concept; it's a lens to view broader economic phenomena like inflation or the revenues, firms receive.

🌟 Growth Zone:

  • Applying knowledge to new problems: You're not just learning; you're applying economic principles to new scenarios, understanding complex oligopolistic behaviours through lenses like game theory.
  • Gaining confidence in analysis: Critiquing economic models and policies isn't daunting anymore.
  • Feeling prepared for exams: Every question type, be it an MCQ on microeconomics or an essay on globalisation's impacts, is an opportunity to showcase your prowess.
  • Setting academic and career goals: You're not just a student; you're an active participant in economic thinking. You challenge the status quo of real world scenarios such as policies or exchange rate changes.

Remember, every step outside your comfort zone is a leap towards your personal and academic growth. Embrace the challenge, for in the realms of discomfort lies your greatest potential.

Forge ahead, economists of the future. The growth zone awaits!


Will the ‘sick man of Europe’ label stick to Germany this time around?


🚉 Stalled Growth: Germany's economy has hit a standstill, showing no growth for almost two years, with strikes and protests highlighting a need for infrastructural modernisation.

📉 Economic Flatline: Despite fears of political extremism, the current economic stagnation doesn't mirror the dire straits of historical crises like the hyperinflation or mass unemployment of the Weimar Republic.

💼 Job Cuts and Austerity: Deutsche Bank's mass job cuts and a €60bn budgetary gap due to a court ruling on pandemic funds allocation have led to unpopular austerity measures.

🔄 Past Resilience: Historically bouncing back from the "sick man of Europe" stigma, Germany's previous recovery was aided by a strong manufacturing base and strategic economic partnerships.

📊 Export Dependence and Shifting Strengths: Once a strength, Germany's export-centric economy and reliance on the automotive industry are now vulnerabilities, especially with China's economic shift and the slow adoption of electric vehicles.

🔋 The Prescription for Recovery: Economic Professor Peter Bofinger prescribes increased public investment and leveraging public debt for growth, as opposed to austerity.

🏭 Current Challenges: Germany grapples with high energy costs, tax burdens, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and a lag in digital advancement, which cumulatively dampen its competitiveness.

🛤️ Infrastructure Woes: The nation contends with crumbling infrastructure, educational decline, and a labour market in jeopardy, necessitating significant adjustments to its economic model.

🤝 International Implications: Global trade weaknesses expose Germany's vulnerabilities, highlighting the need for internal economic restructuring to face the future.

A Level Economics Questions:

Q:Evaluate the impact of a stagnant growth rate on Germany's position in the European Union.​
​A: A stagnant growth rate can undermine Germany's economic influence within the European Union, potentially weakening its bargaining power and leading to a shift in the economic dynamics of the bloc. It may also result in reduced contributions to the EU budget and lower consumer demand for imports from other member states.

Q: Discuss how reliance on a strong manufacturing sector can both benefit and hinder an economy like Germany's.
A: A strong manufacturing sector can drive economic growth through exports and job creation. However, over-reliance can pose risks if global demand weakens or if the sector fails to innovate, as seen with Germany's slow shift to electric vehicles. Diversification is key to mitigating these risks.

Q: Analyse the potential long-term effects of fiscal austerity measures on Germany's economic recovery.
A: While fiscal austerity measures may address immediate budget deficits, they can also lead to reduced public spending and investment, potentially stifling economic growth and recovery in the long term. This could further impact Germany's infrastructure and public services.

Q: How could Germany's high tax burden and bureaucratic costs impact its international competitiveness?
A: High tax burdens can discourage investment and entrepreneurship, while bureaucratic inefficiencies can lead to higher operational costs and slower market entry for businesses. Together, these factors can make Germany a less attractive destination for international capital and talent.

Possible A Level Economics 25 Marker Question

Evaluate the argument that increasing public investment rather than focusing on austerity measures is a more effective strategy for stimulating economic growth in a developed economy like Germany.

Infographic of the Week

Navigating the Monetary Tightrope: The Fed's 2024 Rate Cut Dilemma

As the U.S. economy teeters on the brink of a potential soft landing or recession following aggressive rate hikes in 2022, all eyes are on the Federal Reserve's next move in the 2024 interest rate cycle. Historical data reveals that past rate cut cycles have often been a precursor to recessions, initiating only after clear signs of an economic slowdown and easing inflationary pressures, with cuts ranging from 2.35% to 10.53% over periods as brief as 10 months to as long as 44 months. In 2024, top financial institutions like J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank, and Morgan Stanley converge on a mid-year forecast for the initial rate cut, while others like UBS and Goldman Sachs predict an earlier start in March, expecting total cuts to tally between 100 to 125 basis points. Despite the historic trend linking rate cuts to recessions, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell remains cautiously optimistic, hoping for a unique outcome where inflation cools without significant job losses, an economic tightrope walk against the backdrop of one of the most rapid rate hike environments in history.

Chart of the Week

Germany's Industrial Output Dips: A Trend or a Warning Sign?

The graphics depict a worrying decline in Germany's industrial production, with the index plummeting from a baseline of 100 in 2015 to 93.7 in November. The downturn isn't a sudden jolt but part of a consistent slide over recent years, accentuated by a stark plunge post-2020, likely due to pandemic-related disruptions. Moreover, the lower chart illuminates an alarming pattern of consecutive monthly drops in industrial output, a scenario not frequently seen since the 1990s. The circled section in 2024 highlights a recent stretch of declines, signaling potential systemic challenges within Germany's industrial sectors that could have far-reaching implications for its economy.

Macroeconomic Data

Whenever you're ready there is one way I can help you.

If you or your child are looking to Boost your A level Economics Grades in under 30 days, I'd recommend starting with an all-in-one support network where you get 24/7 access to a SuperTutor:

Join EdGenie 🧞‍♂️: Transform your A-Level Economics essays and exam marks (genuinely) with our comprehensive on-demand learning platform. This carefully curated course blends engaging content with effective exam techniques, the same ones that have empowered over 1,000 of my students to achieve an A or A* over the last 13 years. 
A huge thanks for hopping on board EdGenie's Wednesday Wisdoms newsletter! 
I'm Emre, and I've got a big goal - to make A* education accessible to all A-level students.
And it Starts With You!

Emre Aksahin
Chief Learning Officer at Edgenie