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Welcome to the 39th edition of Wednesday Wisdoms by EdGenie!

Every Wednesday I send out actionable tips, tricks and real-world application insights from my 13-year experience coaching students to achieve As and A* in their Economics and Business A Levels.

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Not all 25 markers are the same...


In our journey through A-Level Economics, the 25-marker questions are often where the real test unfolds.

But did you know not all 25 markers are crafted the same?

Understanding the nuances between different types of 25-marker questions can significantly boost your exam performance.

Let’s break it down:

Here are 3 different types of 25-Marker Questions:

1. Example: "To what extent do you agree with this statement? Refer to an industry of your choice in your answer."

  • Point 1: Agree
  • Evaluate Point 1: (Doesn't mean you just disagree)
  • Point 2: Disagree
  • Evaluate Point 2: (Doesn't mean you just agree)

2. Example: "Evaluate the likely costs of a..."

  • Point 1: Costs
  • Evaluate Point 1: (Can evaluate with RELEVANT AND SPECIFIC BENEFITS)
  • Point 2: Costs
  • Evaluate Point 2: (Can evaluate with RELEVANT AND SPECIFIC BENEFITS)

Now this next one is answered differently

3. Example: "Evaluate the likely costs and benefits of a..."

  • Point 1: Costs
  • Evaluate Point 1: To what extent is this a cost
  • Point 2: Benefits
  • Evaluate Point 2: To what extent is this a benefit

Ensure each point is robust, integrating what I like to call 'booster points' to enrich the discussion.

FYI - There are a lot more different types of 25 markers. I'm running through these during the  A* Essay Crash Course.​

Why is this important?

Each type of question demands a specific strategy that aligns with its structure. Misinterpreting the question type can lead to misaligned answers that don’t fully address the examiner's expectations and thus you get capped marks.

Practical Tip:

Practice makes perfect. By familiarising yourself with each question type, you’ll enhance your ability to tailor your answers effectively and maximise your marks.

Remember, in A-Level Economics, it's not just what you write, but how you address the question that counts.

Keep pushing towards those A* grades!


Delivery firm Getir to quit UK, Europe and US and focus on Turkey


💷 Rapid Retreat: The grocery delivery industry, boosted during the COVID pandemic, is now declining due to increased competition and reduced demand.

🌍 Getir's Exit: Getir is withdrawing from the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and the US to focus on Turkey, influenced by heavy competition and a dip in demand for quick deliveries.

🚚 Industry Shakeout: The fast grocery delivery sector's downsizing continues, with Getir cutting jobs and reducing operations in several regions, affecting many delivery riders.

💼 Operational Overhaul: After slashing 2,500 jobs and leaving several European markets, Getir's latest retreat impacts a minor 7% of its total sales.

🤑 Strategic Retention: Despite the cutbacks, Getir is keeping its recently acquired US branch, FreshDirect, as part of its scaled-down international presence.

📅 Market Dynamics: Established in 2015, Getir grew swiftly by acquiring rivals and promising quick deliveries, but now contends with a tougher market, influenced by the cost of living crisis.

🔄 Evolving Competition: The grocery delivery market remains fiercely competitive, with firms like Deliveroo and Uber Eats collaborating with supermarkets to stay relevant in the rapidly changing landscape.

A Level Economics Questions:

Q: Discuss the impact of external economic factors, such as the cost of living crisis, on markets such as rapid grocery delivery services.
A:The cost of living crisis has significantly impacted niche markets like rapid grocery delivery services by dampening consumer demand. As household budgets tighten, discretionary spending decreases, leading to a reduced demand for premium services like quick grocery deliveries, which tend to be more expensive than traditional shopping methods. This shift in consumer behavior has forced companies like Getir to re-evaluate and scale back their operations in affected markets.

Q: Evaluate the strategic decisions made by Getir in response to changing market conditions from 2020 to 2023.
A: Getir's strategic decisions in response to changing market conditions included rapid expansion during the COVID-19 pandemic followed by a strategic retreat as the market contracted. Initially, Getir capitalised on the increased demand for home delivery services during the pandemic by expanding into various international markets. However, as the market dynamics shifted due to increased competition and a decrease in demand post-pandemic, Getir opted to consolidate its operations, focusing on its core market in Turkey and scaling back its presence in Europe and North America. This included significant job cuts and the cessation of operations in several countries.

Q: Assess the role of competition in the scaling back of operations by firms like Getir in the grocery delivery sector.
A: Competition plays a critical role in the decisions of firms like Getir to scale back operations. The rapid grocery delivery sector became saturated with numerous companies entering the market during the pandemic, leading to fierce competition. As the market began to normalise post-pandemic, many of these firms struggled to maintain profitability amidst high operational costs and reduced demand. Getir's decision to exit several markets and focus on its home base in Turkey reflects a strategic move to minimise losses and stabilise the business in a less competitive environment.

Q: What are the implications of Getir's operational cutbacks on its workforce, particularly delivery riders?
A:The operational cutbacks by Getir have significant implications for its workforce, especially the delivery riders. Job security is severely impacted, with potential layoffs and reduced hours as the company reduces its operational footprint. For many delivery riders, this could mean a loss of primary or supplementary income, which is particularly challenging during economic downturns. The uncertainty regarding the exact number of jobs affected further adds to the workforce's anxiety.

Possible A Level Economics 25 Marker Question

Evaluate the extent of contestability of the Rapid Delivery grocery market.

Infographic of the Week

Travel's Carbon Footprint: From Cruise Ships to Electric Cars

Transport is a major contributor to global CO₂ emissions, making up nearly a quarter of all energy-related emissions. A recent comparison highlights the carbon footprints of popular travel methods, showing the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂e) released per person per kilometer traveled. Cruise ships emerge as the most carbon-intensive mode of transport due to their heavy fuel oil use and the large amounts of power required for onboard facilities. Similarly, short-haul flights are notably high in carbon output, mainly because of the fuel burned during takeoff and climb. On the other end, the Eurostar and other rail forms prove to be much more carbon-efficient. Electric vehicles (EVs), though potentially greener, still have a carbon footprint that depends heavily on the energy source used for charging, highlighting the complexity of achieving true low-carbon travel. Data from reliable sources like Our World in Data and various government and international bodies support these findings, though they caution that these numbers are approximations influenced by many variables.

Chart of the Week

Amazon Leads Global Book Sales: A Look at Recent Trends

Amazon continues to assert its dominance in the global book market, capturing significant market shares in various countries, as indicated by Statista's latest Consumer Insights survey. In the U.S., a striking 71% of adults reported purchasing books from Amazon in the past year, leading the charge in digital book sales. The UK follows closely with 68%, and other European nations like Italy and Germany show robust figures at 66% and 62% respectively. Despite stiff competition from local European booksellers such as La Feltrinelli in Italy and Fnac in France, Amazon's convenient and often more affordable online platform maintains a strong appeal among book buyers worldwide.

Macroeconomic Data

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If you or your child are looking to Boost your A level Economics Grades in under 30 days, I'd recommend starting with an all-in-one support network where you get 24/7 access to a SuperTutor:

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A huge thanks for hopping on board EdGenie's Wednesday Wisdoms newsletter! 
I'm Emre, and I've got a big goal - to make A* education accessible to all A-level students.
And it Starts With You!

Emre Aksahin
Chief Learning Officer at Edgenie